
Why Is Now Running on WordPress

Last night, I started the process of migrating from a hybrid static and blog site which ran under blogCFC to a full blogging site entirely powered by WordPress (and PHP). As a long time ColdFusion developer and advocate, this is a huge change for me. It is a decision I did not take lightly …

Lire la suite Now Running on Wordpress

This is just a quick note to tell you all that I just migrated the blog to Wordpress. I will post again in the next few days to explain the reasoning behind the change and speak  of my experience doing so. For now, you will notice that he blog is no longer under a …

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Site moved & New Blog App

Last month, I annouced the move of my professional site from another hosting company to HostMySite. That move has completed without issues so, last week I also moved this site to HostMySite and at the same time I decided to try another blogging application. I used to use Ray Camden’s BlogCFC which is a terrific (and …

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