
New Design & New Headway Theme Framework

Note (last updated: 2019-10-13): I’m leaving this article up for “historical” purposes but, please note that I no longer recommend Headway. I actually strongly recommend against it now for many reasons the first being that it’s abandoned now. I’ve also had far too many problems with it in the past after I published this post …

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Is Using WordPress Themes Frameworks Cheating at Web Design?

I read a very interesting article over the weekend titled “Are WordPress Themes Cheating in Web Design?” by James Dalman. That article itself was inspired by an older one titled “Confessions of a Template Whore” by Sabrina Dent which is equally interesting. The point of this post is not to rehash the same ideas as …

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My Journey to WordPress – New Design Up!

As I already explained previously, on April 5th (2010), I migrated from another blogging platform to WordPress. Last night I changed from the free theme I’d been using to my own new design which I integrated into WordPress using the Thesis theme (more about Thesis below). As you can see, the new design is …

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