
Fireworks CS3 Review on Designorati

About two weeks ago, Jeremy Shulz published an "interesting" review of Fireworks on Designorati. I put "interesting" in quotes because I strongly disagree with many of his points… starting with the title of his review: "Fireworks CS3 Is Looking For its Niche". I suppose I shouldn’t be but I’m always surprised when poeople who should know better …

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Adobe CS3, A Very Different Experience On My New Computer

Since I got my new computer, I’ve been busy installing software, installing Office, email and other basic applications as well as setting my new Vista environment and getting familiar with it. I’ll post later about my impressions on Vista. But Saturday, I finally installed Adobe Design Premium CS3 on the new machine. All I can …

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The Fireworks User Community

Nice post from Kim Cavanaugh on his Brain Frieze blog today where he’s giving props to the Fireworks user community that has been working with Macromedia and now Adobe for years to improve Fireworks which resulted in the awesome new CS3 version. Like Kim, I have been a member of Fireworks’ Advisory Group for several years and  I have …

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Why Choose Fireworks

Introduction When choosing a graphic application for creating Web site layouts and graphics, designers are confronted with many choices between very different types of applications. As Web professionals, we need powerful and flexible tools that are well adapted to our unique requirements because, even with the best of planning, we often need to make design …

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