
It’s Been One Year!

I missed the actual anniversary date which was August 8 (2008-08-08) but it’s now been one full year since I quit my job to go freelance full time. The road has not always been easy but I wouldn’t go back. I’m the happiest I’ve been in my whole life and I have a real sense of accomplishment like I haven’t felt since I played music in bands. I even feel better about what I do now as I help real people and organizations solve real problems.

I’ve recently put my company blog online and published my first article with 2 more in the works. That blog will be more business oriented than this one with the audience being existing or potential clients or anyone looking to have a Web site made or improving an existing online brand. The French version can be found here while the English version is here. I’m also tweeting for my company from here.

Things are going well for me and I’m looking to the future with optimism. I’ll be working on building my client base, my profitability as well as my skill set. I feel like I have so much to learn still but the fun really is in the journey and I’ve never felt more alive…

Thank you to everyone who has helped and encouraged me along the way. I truly have the best friends and I am grateful for each and every one of you.

3 thoughts on “It’s Been One Year!”

  1. Congrats, Stéphane!

    A year is a long time — I am happy that things are going well on your side!

    I am trying to explore the freelance field, as well — and while I am not yet 100% occupied and so the financial side is still rather weak, I can greet myself that from ~ Nov.2008 I am not sitting in anyone’s office and not listening to any manager! 🙂

    Keep up the good work! 🙂

    (I’ve also seen your re-design of — it was very good and stylish!)


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