It’s been a week since I signed up on Twitter now and, in spite of my expectaions I must say I’m loving it. There are a lot of very helpful people there and it makes me feel like I’m more part of the community.
As I said before, the experience is made a lot more enjoyable by using a good Twitter client instead on the Web interface. I still use Twhirl which I mentionned in my last post and it works great for me. Seems popular too. But the one thing that is really annoying is the limits Twitter puts on the number of “API requests” such clients make. For some reasons, this number is set to 20/hour these days (usually around 70) so I can’t get as frequent updates as I did last week.
Twitter’s infrastructure seems quite fragile and is frequently overloaded which is too bad because the service is great and far more useful than I expected (more on that later). So it seems I’m there to stay…