
Adobe Illustrator Tips from an Expert on Twitter

This week on Twitter, my friend Jean-Claude Tremblay took the initiative of spending almost a full day posting tweets about Illustrator tips, tricks and techniques under the hash tag #AITTT. There is a treasure trove of useful tips and techniques in there and, if you use Illustrator at all, you owe it to yourself to go through them and learn from his experience. That will save you time in your work and you will discover features you probably didn’t know existed in Illustrator.

How Illustrator (and other software) Gets New Features

There’s a VERY interesting new post from ex Adobe Illustrator Product Manager Mordy Golding on how Illustrator gets new features. He goes into great detail into the process of how a new version of an application as complex as Illustrator is planned and developed and what kind of criteria the team needs to weigh to decide what features …

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My Tutorial is on Devnet

I should have blogged this a few days ago but better late than never… I’ve had the pleasure of having my Removing Image Backgrounds With Fireworks 8 tutorial published on Macromedia’s Developer Center. It is a great honor for me and I want to thank Stefan Gruenwedel from Macromedia for asking me to publish it and for …

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