
My Journey to WordPress – New Design Up!

As I already explained previously, on April 5th (2010), I migrated from another blogging platform to WordPress. Last night I changed from the free theme I’d been using to my own new design which I integrated into WordPress using the Thesis theme (more about Thesis below). As you can see, the new design is …

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2008, The Year of Freelancing and Twitter

I am a bit late with the 2008 yearly reviews but this one will be shorter than last year’s. As 2008 has been a very big year for me I wanted to blog about it for posterity and this post will focus on basically 2 things. I’ll probably post more about specific discoveries (software, sites, …

Lire la suite Version 4 is Online

Earlier this week I finally published the new version of my Web design business site, which I’ve worked at on and off for several months now. The site finally reflects my current company branding and sports the same visual identity as my business card, invoices and other client facing print materials. It also finally …

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