
My Top 10 Web Design Tools

I had already started working on a blog post with my top 10 most useful Web design tools but, like many other things these days, I had continually postponed finishing it in favor of “more important things”. Like client work… 😉 But I saw a post today on the Visualrinse blog that tackled the same …

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The Fireworks Team is Now Blogging

You can now find the Fireworks team’s new blog here : That’s a great thing for improving Fireworks’ visibility and hopefully it will be updated regularly. On the other hand, I wonder why Adobe is not using a ColdFusion based solution for blogging. I really think they should be using their own platforms as much as …

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The Year 2007 on

An overview of the last year on Now that 2008 is just about to start, I thought it would be a good idea to write a style year end review. There’s been a lot of activity in our little world last year as well as in other areas of the software industry. Throughout …

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Another Piece of the Mind Mapping for Project Management Puzzle

Following on my two previous posts on the subject of mind mapping (here and here), I have recently found another piece of my "mind mapping for project management" puzzle. I’m currently developping my project planning and tracking methodology based on mind maps made with MindManager  and I am determining both what specific maps I’ll use …

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