
Commenting Policy

A few comments I have received in the past have prompted me to add this page to the site. These are just a few common sense rules that help your comments get published instead of getting deleted.

  1. If your comment has passed my anti-spam plugins but is still obviously spam to me (see #2), it will be deleted immediately.
  2. How I determine what is spam or not spam is very simple:
    • Your comment adds little or nothing to the conversation other than “I agree”. The comment gets deleted as to me that IS spam. I want to keep the noise out and try to provide useful content. Tell me WHY you agree or disagree with me or another commenter, tell me how this impacted your work or projects.
    • Your comment adds little or nothing to the conversation AND your email or Web site URL is obviously selling a product that is unrelated to Web design in the widest possible sense, it makes it obvious to me you are only after incoming links and nothing more. That is spam to me. So you and your comment are gone. Further, your email and IP are blacklisted permanently. If you think I did this in error and really want to be able to comment. Contact me. Your argument better be compelling. I have little time to waste.
  3. You are commenting anonymously or with a fake email address I cannot find on Google to see who you are. Your comment, no matter what it contains gets deleted immediately. If you do not have the courage to stand behind your words, they don’t belong here. I have not always enforced this in the past so  comments like this may exist on this site still. That doesn’t give you the right to complain now if I delete your comment for this reason.
  4. You are obviously trolling, are insulting to me or other commenters and cannot add anything constructive to the conversation (that doesn’t mean you have to agree with me, but make sure you understand my points and argue them directly). You and your comment are gone. Further, your email and IP are blacklisted permanently. If you think I did this in error and really want to be able to comment and contribute. Contact me. Your argument better be compelling. I have little time to waste.

That’s petty much it. Just so you know, the comments that prompted the addition of this page were related to point 3 and 4 above.

Just to clarify where I’m coming from, you have to understand a few simple things:

First: this site is my site. I do here as I please, period. I don’t answer to you or anyone else.

Second: I’m NOT trying to win a popularity contest here. I am an opinionated guy that is not afraid to express my opinions… or to be wrong occasionally or to change my mind. I take sides and I’m passionate about my craft, but beyond everything else, I’m human just like you and that means I sometimes fail and my opinions evolve and change. I’m constantly learning and striving to get better. The goal of this site is to share the discoveries I make throughout my journey as an entrepreneur, web developer and UX designer, etc. I may say one thing one day and the exact opposite a year later. Deal with it. I change my mind and adapt as I gain new knowledge, experience or information. That’s how we move forward in life. I rarely delete the older stuff I wrote that I no longer agree with but I’ll sometimes add a note to that effect on older content. I reserve the right to change my mind at any time for any reason.

Third and last: I never attack anyone personally and will not tolerate it here. I have expressed my frustration with companies before, but I’ve never targeted individuals. I expect the same respect from my readers and commenters. If I did anything to upset you and you want to express it, contact me directly, don’t leave a nasty comment. It will be deleted. Not because I can’t handle it, but because it doesn’t belong here.

With that out of the way, have a great time building your pixel worlds!