Last week I started the process of moving 3 sites to a new hosting company including this one, my business site ( and a client site. My business site was registered at Network Solutions and I also switched registrar for that one and, of course, they made the whole process take forever… I’m glad to be rid of them completely now.
While the thew new Name Servers (DNS) propagate, reaching me via email may be difficult and messages may bounce. If you need to reach me urgently use my ISP email which is “stephberg (at) videotron (dot) ca”.
The main reason I moved the sites was because my prior host was unable to solve the many database connectivity issues I was having with this blog. They had me move it to MySQL from Access which was definitely a good thing but the timeout errors did not stop and at some point last week they got worse than ever (I get an email every time there is any kind of error with the blog). So, I’d had it and decided to move and I now pay a lot less than before for more features and better service.
Also and most importantly, you now should see little to no ColdFusion errors when visiting this site and navigating the blog.