
Adobe Illustrator Tips from an Expert on Twitter

This week on Twitter, my friend Jean-Claude Tremblay took the initiative of spending almost a full day posting tweets about Illustrator tips, tricks and techniques under the hash tag #AITTT. There is a treasure trove of useful tips and techniques in there and, if you use Illustrator at all, you owe it to yourself to go through them and learn from his experience. That will save you time in your work and you will discover features you probably didn’t know existed in Illustrator.

I’ve been using Illustrator since 1996 myself and there were many tricks he shared I didn’t know about. In a way, this is not surprising for an application with over 2 decades of development and history behind it, so take a few minutes and read through his #AITTT tweets. You’ll be glad you did .

In a field filled with self proclaimed gurus, Jean-Claude is a true expert with years of real world experience doing on-site training and support for creative people through his company, Profociografik. He is also an Adobe Certified Expert in Illustrator, Indesign and Photoshop as well as an Adobe Community Professional. But mostly, he’s a great guy I’m lucky to call my friend.

Thanks for your generosity Jean-Claude!

2 thoughts on “Adobe Illustrator Tips from an Expert on Twitter”

  1. I thought it was a very generous endeavor on your part. Must have taken you quite a while to prepare, find all the links, etc. I would have liked to have time to blog it before the event though but I will if you decide to do it again. Thanks again Jean-Claude!

  2. Hi Stéphane,
    Thanks for blogging about this crazy idea I had to spend a whole day tweeting and sharing my love for Adobe Illustrator. Glad you find some bits of info interesting for your own works. That was the goal of that event.


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