
Coming Up On In 2011

To say that I have been busy in the latter half of 2010 would be an understatement… my lack of posting here or on my company blog is a testament to it. But I’ve been learning a lot and plan to share my best finds as usual. So, here are a few things that are coming up here soon…

First, I’m working on yet another design for this blog. The one I’m using now has always been transitional… I just never planned on leaving it like this for this long 😉 But that will be implemented when it’s ready. Part of the reason I have not posted here in a while is I wanted to have the new design up before I did. I decided I didn’t care and will post anyway as I find the time.

The first thing I want to do is share my best finds of 2010. I have several more client sites done in WordPress under my belt and my toolset and skills are of course evolving. Still a fan of Headway, phasing out Thesis (for many different reasons… this site is my only one left using it) and a couple premium plugins are rocking my WordPress designer world.

Regarding design software, I finally moved to the CS5 Suite and will share my likes, dislikes and disappointments. I don’t really like writing about software when it’s too fresh. I’ve worked with these apps on real projects for a while now so, I have a good feel of what works for me and what doesn’t

On the general software front, I discovered a couple gems you will want to know about. I changed FTP software, came back to Suitcase Fusion with the release of version 3 and needed to create documentation for my clients on WordPress sites… especially artists sites where I use some key plugins. The app I discovered to help me with that is awesome… as is the documentation philosophy of its developers. Awesome stuff.

In the longer term, I want to start publishing tutorials again but either using the documentation software I’m talking about or Camtasia Studio. I think video is becoming my preferred way of consuming tutorials and I want to use them to share some of my own processes.

So, hang in there! I know it’s been a while and my posting has always been sporadic but I’m not apologizing for it anymore. The life of a lone freelancer can be hectic and I’m still learning to manage my time. Personal projects always take the back burner first but I intend to devote more time to my own projects in 2011. I’m thinking about strategies that will help me free up some time without hurting my bottom line.

In the meantime, Happy New Year to everyone and I hope this year brings you abundance and joy!

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