
The Fireworks User Community

Nice post from Kim Cavanaugh on his Brain Frieze blog today where he’s giving props to the Fireworks user community that has been working with Macromedia and now Adobe for years to improve Fireworks which resulted in the awesome new CS3 version. Like Kim, I have been a member of Fireworks’ Advisory Group for several years and  I have …

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New Fireworks Design Center

I was reading some feeds in FeedDemon today when i came upon this announcement on Alan Musselman’s blog about the new Fireworks Design Center on Adobe’s site. The existing Fireworks Developer Center will remain but will now focus on developer issues (like programming extensions) while design related Fireworks content (articles, tutorials) will be published in the …

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Why Choose Macromedia/Adobe Fireworks

Tonight I finally published my article titled "Why Choose Fireworks" which I talked about here before as well as on Scott Fegette’s blog. It’s been a long time coming but I think it’s particularly timely in these post acquisition days when there’s so much speculation and downright misinformation being spread about Fireworks. As I explain in …

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