
Now on Twitter

I resisted for a long time as I didn’t see the usefulness but I am now on Twitter and posting once in a while. My Twitter page is I would have given up almost right away if i’d had to do it through the Web interface but I found a great Twitter client called Twhirl …

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Fireworks CS4 Beta on Adobe Labs!

Fireworks is finally getting some long overdue exposure. A beta of the next CS4 version has been posted on Adobe Labs today. I will blog about this in more details later this week. Long story short is that there is a lot to love in this new version and Fireworks is finally gainning some maturity …

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Fireworks and the PNG Format Revisited

It seems that the debate over this issue which I discussed in detail in a previous post is still going on in the forum thread that inspired my bringing the issue up here. It also was the issue in a recent post from respected Fireworks evangelist and now Adobe employee, Trevor McCauley (Senocular). The thing is, …

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Mucking Up the Fireworks?

A little while ago, Jason Santa Maria wrote a very interesting post about Photoshop and Fireworks (as well about Adobe in general…) in which he brings up many good points to which the powers that be at Adobe should pay real close attention. First, he admits that, although Photoshop is the Adobe application he uses the most as he designs Web …

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The Year 2007 on

An overview of the last year on Now that 2008 is just about to start, I thought it would be a good idea to write a style year end review. There’s been a lot of activity in our little world last year as well as in other areas of the software industry. Throughout …

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To “Ping” or not to “Ping”

There was a thread on Adobe’s Fireworks forums recently where a user was asking why Fireworks uses the PNG file format (and extension) for its native editable files (the equivalent to Illustrator’s .ai and Photoshop’s .psd). This is an issue that gets raised from time to time and that thread was just the latest public …

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Understanding Web Design

It’s rare that I simply link to a post or article when i have nothing to add. In fact I’ve really tried to avoid that on this blog. But the following article by Jeffrey Zeldman on A List Apart is really worth reading and says everything better than I could: Understanding Web Design It’s a …

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