Layout Version 4 is Online

Earlier this week I finally published the new version of my Web design business site, which I’ve worked at on and off for several months now. The site finally reflects my current company branding and sports the same visual identity as my business card, invoices and other client facing print materials. It also finally showcases some of my recent and ongoing projects unlike the previous version of the site whcih had projects that were at least 2 or 3 years old in the portfolio and didn’t reflect where I or Webfocus Design are at  now. After going freelance full time in mid August, I finally feel like I am in it completely and it feels very good.

Like many designers out there, I find it very hard to design for myself. A personal site like pixelyzed can be and was a fun endeavor to create but a business site has to have much more clearly defined goals and follow a more rigorous process. Furthermore, writing marketing copy for ourselves is very difficult for a lot of us. But I had a lot of help for that and I would especially want to thank Erica Holden who has helped me write much better copy with more impact than what I already had. Her professionalism and enthusiasm have made this tedious writing process a lot easier for me as she took a large part of it upon herself. Erica, you rock!

Many of my other Twitter friends have been great help towards the end of the process when came time to tweak functionality and test in various browsers. I have yet to implement some of the suggestions I’ve had.

The site is not quite complete yet as I left a few areas unfinished in order to go back to client work. I still need to flesh out the portfolio and add the online version of my Project Planner. I also want to add a blog for my clients and that one will be in both French and English. Those will be done as I have time over the coming weeks. But even in an unfinished state, this is the best version of I’ve designed so far and I’m very proud of it. I finally feel like I’m really in business…

So thanks again to all who have encouraged me to finish what I started months ago. I hope to be able to repay your kindness by somehow helping you with your own projects someday. Social media can be so much more than buzzwords and forced “viral” marketing…

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