Following on my Enabling Technologies post from yesterday, I’ve just finished uploading a brand new section of this site called pixel gallery.. It is an image gallery that is powered by the superb SlideShowPro Flash component which I use to display my efforts as a budding photographer.
I started taking photography seriously (while having a lot of fun learning) when I bought my amazing Canon S1IS camera last year which sports a 10x optical zoom. There are of course much better cameras out there but, for the price and for a hobbyist like me, it works wonderfully, provides a lot of manual control and yields fantastic results… enabling technology for sure!
I’ve uploaded pictures in 5 categories (or albums as SlideShowPro calls them) so far and I still need to sort the best of the over 430 pictures I took during our trip to Nova Scotia 2 weeks ago. I’ll then need to prepare them for addition to my gallery. Most of those albums will continue to grow as I experiment further with my camera and take even more pictures. I’ll also post more to explain the methods I use to process and enhance my pictures and may write articles for my still empty pixel forge section on that very subject sometime soon…
Thanks for the kind words Michel! And yes, I do love that camera. Canon cams in general give very good colors. The S1IS also has 10x of optical zoom which was not very common in its price range when I bought it. Canon has release two more generations of that line now (S2 IS and S3 IS) with even better zoom, more up to date electronics and more megapixels (mine is a 3.2 MP which is quite amazingly plenty for printing even 8 x 10 and even full letter size pics with lots of details. The larger MP cams will give you more room to crop and edit though. I believe the S3 IS has 12xoptical zoom, 6.0 MP, the new DIGIC II processor and goes up to ISO 800 instead of 400 like the S1. If I were looking for a new camera now I would definitely take a good look at the S3 IS.
There are some really amazing photos… I think this Canon camera is very good! 🙂
Cool, a photo gallery:)
I am still dreaming of having my own photo gallery, and I have hosting space, and everything… but I am not yet decided as to what platform should I choose for the displaying and organizing my photos…