Tonight I finally published my article titled "Why Choose Fireworks" which I talked about here before as well as on Scott Fegette’s blog.
It’s been a long time coming but I think it’s particularly timely in these post acquisition days when there’s so much speculation and downright misinformation being spread about Fireworks. As I explain in the article, I realized after reading many blog entries and forum posts that many people didn’t get what Fireworks was at all that misconceptions about its true capabilities were widespread. Many poeple really have no idea where exactly Fireworks stands in the competitive graphic apps market.
Hopefuly this article will shed some light on Fireworks’ real capabilities for people who know little about it and are looking for a Web friendly graphic design appplication. It might even open the eyes of those who have been using it for some time but who for some reason are not really aware of its true power.
I am one of “those who have been using it for some time but who for some reason are not really aware of its true power.” till now I use fireworks just for the very basic stuff (I have the 8 version) and Photoshop for the other web design stuff….
But your Article realy open my Eyes at the moment I am playing around with Fireworks on stuff I normaly do in photoshop and you know what I did save a hell lot of time using Fireworks and I got a smaller file!!
Something I maybe never try and find out when you did not post your article!