
Playing again…

As some of you know, I’ve been a musician for most of my life (I started playing drums and guitar 30 years ago at age 11). For well over 15 of those 30 years, music had been far more than a hobby for me and my bandmates as we strived to "make it" in the …

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Adobe, Macromedia & Fireworks

There has been a lot of discussion in blogs and newsgroups following the recent closing of the transaction for the acquisition of Macromedia by Adobe. I have been reading a lot about it in the last few days, official words and commentary alike and there’s one thing that’s really been bugging me in many of the coments I’ve seen. There’s …

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Apologies and a bit of news

Just a quick post to apologize for my slacking and the lack of activity on the site in recent weeks. I have been very busy with other things and didn’t have time to finish the articles and tutorials I have started not to finalize the formatting of the blog. If you look at an individual …

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First Tutorial Posted!

Finally! Last night I uploaded my first tutorial to the pixel forge section of the site. It’s a Fireworks tutorial that discusses image background removal using a mix of vector and bitmap tools and functionality newly available in Fireworks 8 (specifically, the Marquee to Path feature). You can find the tutorial here: Removing Image Backgrounds With …

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Removing Image Backgrounds With Fireworks 8

Introduction This Quick Tutorial will teach you the most efficient method for “removing” backgrounds from images quickly and easily using Macromedia Fireworks 8. This is one of the most frequently asked question on Macromedia’s and other Fireworks related public forums and the typical answers that are provided often describe methods that are less than ideal …

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New Content In The Works

Well, it’s been a while since I posted as I have been really busy. For the few people who might have started to visit this site (I haven’t  publicized it much yet), please know that I have been busy working on a few things to add to the site. First, I have been working on some more pictures …

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New photo gallery

Following on my Enabling Technologies post from yesterday, I’ve just finished uploading a brand new section of this site called pixel gallery.. It is an image gallery that is powered by the superb SlideShowPro Flash component which I use to display my efforts as a budding photographer. I started taking photography seriously (while having a …

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Enabling Technologies

Enabling Technology can often be an empty buzzword that encapsulates other just as empty buzzwords that only an old school marketer could love. On the other hand, it can also describe useful technologies that truly empower users and let them accomplish new tasks they couldn’t do before or help then do things easier, faster and …

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Site moved & New Blog App

Last month, I annouced the move of my professional site from another hosting company to HostMySite. That move has completed without issues so, last week I also moved this site to HostMySite and at the same time I decided to try another blogging application. I used to use Ray Camden’s BlogCFC which is a terrific (and …

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