
Call for feedback!

Now that my two articles are published on the site (well actually, one article and one tutorial), I am thinking of what kind of tutorial or article I’ll write next. The first and easiest thing I’d like to do is write a second part to my Removing Image Backgrounds With Fireworks 8 tutorial in …

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Back to the Fold!

Well, it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted here… it’s been a very long, busy summer and fall so far. On top of all my usual work (and more time spent playing music and recording ideas), we’ve ben doing a lot of work on the house and more is coming. A lot of it was long tedious …

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Enabling Technologies Part II

As promised in my previous entry, the reason I haven’t been posting much here recently is that I have been playing quite a bit of music. I’ve also been learning how to use new toys (hence the "Enabling Technologies" title) that will enable me to record easier and with a much broader sonic palette than I …

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Playing Again Part II

There hasn’t been much activity here recently but there is a good reason for that… more in my next entry 🙂 In an entry I posted back in February (Playing Again…) I told you about my “previous” life as a musician and how I started to play again. I told you about a well known …

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My Tutorial is on Devnet

I should have blogged this a few days ago but better late than never… I’ve had the pleasure of having my Removing Image Backgrounds With Fireworks 8 tutorial published on Macromedia’s Developer Center. It is a great honor for me and I want to thank Stefan Gruenwedel from Macromedia for asking me to publish it and for …

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Macromedia Shwag

Macromedia Shwag: I haven’t been icluded on this because I have never attended a Macromedia event like Max or TodCon or any other but, since I’ve participated in several betas in the last few years I have received a few Macromedia items: 2 car visor CD holders 1 small travel alarm clock with the Macromedia …

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Fireworks & Photoshop: Where to go from here?

John Nack from Adobe has posted and interesting entry on his blog requesting feedback from users on what we expect from a future version of Fireworks. There is apparently some internal debate at Adobe about the possibility of somehow “integrating” Fireworks into existing Adobe apps like Photoshop. Knowing me, you’re probably guessing that I think that is a …

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Why Choose Macromedia/Adobe Fireworks

Tonight I finally published my article titled "Why Choose Fireworks" which I talked about here before as well as on Scott Fegette’s blog. It’s been a long time coming but I think it’s particularly timely in these post acquisition days when there’s so much speculation and downright misinformation being spread about Fireworks. As I explain in …

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Fireworks is alive!

Well, it seems that my timing for the publication of the “Why Choose Fireworks” article was even better than I though… Danielle Beaumont the new Fireworks Product Manager at Adobe just posted a message to the Fireworks forum stating that Fireworks was still an important product for them and, more importantly, that it was still under …

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